Friday 22 November 2013

Jesua :))

ladies and gentlemen, here I introduce you, the super cool lad i have ever met! 
please welcome....
Mario J E S U A Saptodiharjo <3 span="">

he is on the third grade now. geez, this kid is just so extremely adorable and lovable, especially in a childlike or naive way. yesterday i was teaching in his class. he was sitting on a desk opposite the teacher's desk. out of a sudden, he said something jaw dropping to me. "you know what miss? I look awe-so-handsome with this undercut hairstyle, miss!" i was like, "OH WOW." and bursting laugh out loud. :P

soon afterwards, he was about to go to Sundanese Martial Arts class when he uttered something, well i don't know, kinda pathetic but it was quite witty for him. in the martial arts class, all students should take off their shoes and socks. i stood right in front of him and accidentally saw him wearing a kinda ethnic foot-bracelet. i asked him why he wore that bracelet even though he knew wearing accessories is just for girls. he refused to take off the bracelet and said to me -- he wanted to inform me something which he doesn't consider as a secret, anymore, at least -- "this bracelet is a souvenir from my father, miss. my parents have separated. they divorced." as he giggled.

c o m p l e t e  s i l e n c e.


i was slightly shocked knowing that bitter fact. out of the blue, he said (((again))) "Louis parents' divorced as well, miss!" oh God, what happened to these dazzlingly beautiful little lads... at their totally young age, they have to face hardships that they can't even bear.
but still, you will always have a special place in my heart, kid. you have successfully stunned me, bloody little gorgeous! :))

1 comment:

  1. Gotttchaaaaa! HE GOT YOU!

    It was not surprising me as he can act and thought beyond our imagination.... Please don't get him wrong, he's doing this with no intention to cheat you... It's just for fun... He is so special for everybody.... Hahaha...!

    I like this page though... as a matter of fact, it was cheering me up, despite of terribly missing him (and his brother and his mom too for sure... )

    Oh... BTW, I am his father, temporarily staying away from him in Surabaya. We are going to move here right after his third level class end.

    Yes, I bought him an ethnic foot-bracelet. We got it when we were in Bali last school holiday.

    You know what...? I would like you to visit and meet us in my home at Puspita Loka. I bet you will be amazed more when knowing more about him, his brother and his mom... and.... You will be enjoying the best Klappertaart in the world, coming from my wife's kitchen...

    Our door is open and look forward to seeing you and sharing our joyful and fun.

    Anton Saptorahardjo
