Wednesday 11 May 2011

Silly Lil’ Thing Call’d “Ngupils”

Pssstt.. this reading you’re about to read contains many sleazy entity. Make sure you can keep it secretly.. Savour it! Ciao! C’est la vie..

Daunting, daunting, bouncing, bouncing, dazzling, dazzling, dancing, dancing…

Yepp, imagine those things when you do this silly lil’ thing call’d NGUPIL…
Obviously, you’re gonna find yourself daunted since you’re afraid that people would recognize you doing this silly lil’ thingy. Ha-ha! Gotcha!

Then, without a doubt, there will be upils bouncing around ya after ya do what they say as ngupils *slapsforehead*! Doubled Ha-ha! You should confess that one day in your life, when you’re in your 12-K schools, you might left your upils under your desks, under your chairs, under your teacher’s desks, under your teacher’s chairs, under your books, under your armpits, or even under your friend’s armpits! Ieeeeeuuuuuuhhh, huh? Thus, the question is: are you still doing this shabby thing? *Answer it based on your deepest conscience* x))~

Why does this silly thing considered as a dazzled act? Hoho.. don’t ya werry ma sissy and braddy! Even though most people from various country, culture, and civilization believe that this kinda deed can exploit and officially established that you’re a bloody skanky and yucky person, believe it or not, it can dazzle the performance of your nose! After you do ngupils your nose will indisputably clean and clear. There will be no more stockpiles of diddly-doodly-squats filled up your nose. The oxygen and the carbon monoxide will be easily inhaled and exhaled! See? 

The last but not mostly the least… ngupils can make your fingers *particularly index finger* dance up to the beat. It can exercise your fingers’ muscles so that they may look more muscular, fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept. *haha, imagine that!*  

Hell yeah fellas, that’s enough about this silly lil’ thing call’d ngupils, see ya around with another cool or presumably flimsy stuffs I’d share! Hahah.. RFOLMAOLOL xDD

We’re a perfect match, and soon become a future cast, I suppose, I suppose, we suppose!

Sat, May 7, 2011
3x4 SquareRoom up above the world so high
The Headquarter of Bolt from the Blue
Bring Ur Own Cloacks-and-Daggers!


Tuesday 10 May 2011

mata kaki - kaki mata

dalam gontai langkah 
menuju sinar
menuntut masa tanpa
arogansi depan

ufuk timur masih jauh,
tapi kaki-kaki matapun
telah lunglai.

Nguping Bus Kota Episode 1

kata bapak2 ama ibu2 dosen yang duduk disebelah saya: "Kunci keberhasilan dalam mendidik seorang anak adalah dengan menghindari larangan". Kata kuncinya, "JANGAN!" menurut survey yang dilakukan si pak de dosen, anak-anak cenderung ingin mencoba apa yang dilarangkan untuk ditindakkan. SEmisal, jika anda berkata pada anak, adik, keponakan,sepupu. atopun sepaha anda, "Dek/Mas/Mbak/Cah ayu/cah bagus, JANGAN NAKAL!" maka si anak akan bertanya-tanya, "NAkal tuh yang kek mana yaa?" "Kalo aku nakal, tar bakal diapain yaa?" ato.. "KAlo nakal aku bakal dapet apa yaa?" Kemudian, untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, anak-anak umumnya merealisasikannya dalam tindakan nyata: NAKAL.

oke, demikianlah sekelumit informasi yang tanpa sengaja saya peroleh dalam Safari Malam Temaram Menuju Perantauan. SEdemikian pula akurasi yang disampaikan oleh bapak dan ibu dosen yang anonim. "Makasi yey cindth.." ;)

Jalan Raya Solo-Semarang,
SElasa, 26 April 2011,
06:48 pm

Friday 6 May 2011

Taman Hiburan versus Taman Bacaan

Hehe, mungkin ini konsekuensi yang musti saya tanggung gara-gara kelamaan ngendon di ruangan ber-AC. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya emang pergi ke sebuah tempat. Tempat yang sudah menjadi rahasia umum banyak orang. Tempat dimana mereka menemukan pecahan surga. Tempat dimana mereka melukiskan kata. Tempat dimana mereka menggali sumber inspirasi. Tempat ini adalah bus kota, eh bukan ding, masut saya adalah PERPUSTAKAAN. Entahlah, nampaknya perpustakaan kampus saya lebih mirip taman hiburan daripada taman bacaan. Lokasinya yang berada di ketinggian lantai 4 dalam sebuah gedung menyimpan sejuta aksi reaksi yang bervariasi (wah, dapet banget ni rimanya,, ehehe xP). Mungkin karena dekorasi, tatanan ruang, dan atmosfer yang menyenangkan, manusia-manusia itu betah berlama-lama untuk menancapkan pantatnya dalem2 di ruang ini.

Perpustakaan UKSW belakangan ini jadi rameeeeeeeeee gilak. Entahh kenapa. Saya cumin berspekulasi bhw hal tsb disebabkan oleh naiknya minat baca mahasiswa sekarang. Tiap kali saya menjejakan kaki di tempat tersebut, saya selalu mendapati puluhan ribu tas (4L4y) berjejal dan bertumpukkan di koridor depan. Pemandangan ini bagai sejumlah besar barang rongsokan yang siap diangkut pemulung untuk diajual kembali.

Setelah menikmati fenomena ini untuk beberapa saat, saya pun terkenyut tak terkira ketika menemukan fakta bahwa manusia-manusia yang memenuhi perpustakaan itu datang bukan untuk memperkaya khasanah ilmunya dengan membaca atau hal lain yang berguna. Sebagian besar dari mereka, saya dapati ber-social-netwerk-ria, berfoto bak seorang foto model surat ijazah, dan mengobrol dengan suara super bass tenor baritone sopran alto.

Ohh, rupanya begini faktanya. Saya sempat mendengar bahwa pihak BEM mengadakan dialog untuk menindaklanjuti hal ini, namun rasanya hal ini mengambang bagaikan enceng gondok (kalo mo nyebutin yang atu itu takut kena cekal blog eike..hehe). Seperti halnya enceng gondok, analogi tentang hama yang dapat diolah menjadi barang tepat guna pun tampaknya cucok bok untuk menanggapi isu ini.

Note: Tumben2an eike mikir cindth.. hhahahahahahaaa.. enjoyyy!
Thinking Boxx,
Sat, April 30, 2011.
The Headquarter of Bolt from the Blue
Bring Ur Own Cloaks-and-Daggers!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

How Hard It is to Start Over a Mission on Completing My Journal Thesis..

It’s been two weeks since I stopped werkin on my journal thesis. Oh, come on, I hafta think lotta stuffs for final projects, final presentations, and final papers (note: exclude final destination, haha). Those final thingies really tortured me. Why do I say so? Within a week, I hafta complete dozens of papers, presentations, and projects. Subsequently, this pretty surprising thing emerges from the deepest part of my conscience…
Sorry, your Automatic Thinking Machine is now out of order.
Please insert some aspirin or contact your Immune System.

After hang around with the so-called Agony of the End of Semester, I got a terrible fever for I had to take rest for couple of days. Had to stop this before it got worseeeee, makin’ me look’d like a horse, sneezing all the time.. ;(
Unfortunately, the tormenting stage wouldn’t stop here. There was another indispensable task waiting! Continuing my thesis journal! Ohh Gee! It feels really life-threatening and stressful deep down inside my veins! I should’ve finished the process before May 27, whereas in fact, I haven’t done anything with my discussion stage. Oh.. it’s suffocating me and it seems to me that I’m really standing closer to the EDGE!
Well, these are some frigging things that always distract me when I’m about to try to werk on my journal thesis:

1. Goggle Boxx Temptation 

  2. Chatter Boxx Excitement

3. Game Boxx Attraction

4. Boxx Office Movies Bribery

5. CriBoxx's Charm

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh.. Wanna run away with you, dear lovely darling!
Thu, April 28, 2011
3x4 SquareRoom under my SquarePants
The Headquarter of Bolt from the Blue
Bring Ur Own Cloacks-and-Daggers!