Tuesday 26 June 2012

Epic Pictures!: Me and My Loveable Students

It's Still:

5C Che Best 


and here we go,
5C's crews:
from left to right:
Vecia: other kiddos usually call her "WPS" stands for White Phosphorus Smoke, kinda weapon (or particularly GRENADE) in point blank. "it's producing poisonous smoke, just like her, Miss!" the kids once told me. GOSH. :P

Tromphin: 5C's chess grand master. he's much like having high criticism level. hahaha xDD

back, short haired; Ivania: her massive struggles successfully brought her to her massive bless. keep working hard!

back, poni tails; Natasha: SHE'S THE FIRECRACKER!

front, boy; Frans: such a sweet obedience boy :D

eyeglasses, on my left; Vero: the class leader, gahol student, sweet caress :*

behind Vero and Frans; Gracy: fans of my "Peltam Show" LOL

behind me and Vero; Lea: her massive struggles successfully brought her to her massive bless. keep working hard!

behind Lea; Army: Gracy's bests, fans of my "Peltam Show" LOL

on my right; Divie: another gahol and existed student i've ever met! LOL, sweet hugs and caress :* thanks for the DREAM CATCHER, dearieeeeeeeee.. :))

behind Divie; Andrea: smart student but often feel not confident with her smartness.

behind Andrea; Susi: well, concentrate, Sus!

behind Susi; Vania: Cute and funny student, CHUBBY! lol

behind Andrea, right side; Samantha: i kinda like her face, so exotic, hahaha

next to Sam; Yosua: another FIRECRACKER, LOL.

behind Yosua; Kezia: Smart student in class. got a good talent. :))

in front of Yosua; Will.I.Am: another gahol student, he mad at me when i found his blackberry, haha..

next to Will; Salomo: 5C's don juan. i admit that he's kinda cute :P and narcissistic too! LOL. gahol student :DD

between Will and Sal; Zefanya: calm but quite cute student :)

behind Zefa; Andia: another firecracker :P

on Salomo's right; Reagan: i like how he lead the class, i'm sure he'll be a good leader later.

in front of Reagan; Jason: OMG, he's the most dilligent student i know! 5C's brainie :D

next to Jason; Ariel: he once told me that he wanted to be a pro, a professor at exactly. go for it, Ariel!

the boy back behind; Richie: calm and obedience boy :))

the boy knelt; Niel: another firecracker and gahol student! :))

 I gotta tell ya'
 that there's no other class in the world
 like my 5C Che Best CLASS! 


let's play together: This Never Happened Before

Paul McCartney

This Never Happened Before

I'm very sure
This never happened to me before
I met you and now I'm sure
This never happened before

Now I see
This is the way it's supposed to be
I met you and now I see
This is the way it should be

This is the way it should be for lovers
They shouldn't go it alone
It's not so good when you're on your own

So come to me
Now we can be what we wanna be
I love you and now I see
This is the way it should be

This is the way it should be

This is the way it should be for lovers
They shouldn't go it alone
It's not so good when you're on your own

I'm very sure
This never happened to me before
I met you and now I'm sure
This never happened before (this never happened before)
This never happened before (this never happened)
This never happened before (this never happened before)

let's play together: Adelaide's Sky

Adhitia Sofyan 

Adelaide Sky

I need to know what's on your mind
These coffee cups are getting cold
Mind the people passing by
They don't know I'll be leaving soon

I'll fly away tomorrow
To far away
I'll admit a cliché
Things won't be the same without you

I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me

I'll let you know what's on my mind
I wish they've made you portable
Then I'll carry you around and round
I bet you'll look good on me
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/a/adhitia_sofyan/adelaide_sky.html ]
I'll fly away tomorrow
It's been fun
I'll repeat the cliché
Things won't be the same without you

I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me

I've been meaning to call you soon
But we're in different times
You might not be home now
Would you take a message
I'll try to stay awake
And fight your presence in my head

I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me

Mo(U)rning Breeze

morning breeze,

kinda cliche looking at these flickering dreams

living two sided coins surveillance.
do you ever feel the same?

morning breeze,

all i can see is you.
jotting down our unbearable stories
do you ever feel the same?

morning breeze,

all i can feel is you,
pouring out our connected intuition
into a glass of beery smell
do you ever feel the same

morning breeze,

all i can hear is you,
murmuring thunder of affection storm.
so hardcore
i'm so lighted up.
do you ever feel the same?

all i can relish is you,
the super sensation of the rolling stones
the rock 'n roll fella
the coffeemate
partner in crime
like bonnie and clyde

oh well,
we're gonna be fine,
without that

mo(U)rning breeze.

galauing time,
Tuesday Mourning

*noche niche cliche gauche

Saturday 23 June 2012

Hello - - Goodbye :'(

back sound:

sedih mamen. menyesakkan dada. pas kemaren musti pamitan sama anak2 di Ora et Labora :(
terkadang emang mereka ngeselin, susah diatur dan sebangsanya. tapi pas kita musti pisah pun ternyata rasanya kek dilempar ke ruang hampa, tanpa kita dikasi kesempatan untuk ambil napas dalem2.......... semua begitu cepet berlalu. like a blink of an eye. as simple as that. tak berasa. ber-asa. musti ninggalin anak2 yg uda kita dapet chemistry nya dan musti adapt lagi dengan lingkungan baru. semua yang serba baru.

rasa-rasanya baru kemaren ketemu sama anak2 ini... dalemnya hati seseorang emang ga pernah ada yg tau... :'( ternyata rasa kehilangan ini begitu membekas di hati sanubari gw (halah..) bukannya sok emosional nih.. but honestly, i cried. i cried a lot. yesterday, after giving them their report cards, i cried. i cried like a baby. there's some.. well i dunno for sure, like a strong connection between us..

all in all, thanks for being nice students, guys (with no exceptions..) never forget 5C CheBest!

Saturday 16 June 2012

and after 22 years of living

as i open my eyes this early morning, i should've thanked God for what He's done up to this point. peaking up in the so called building my own future, i know i should make clearer aims and feasible goals to achieve.

man, today was the day i become, no, i should've become a more mature woman. but hmm, i simply take it easy. dont wanna be in a rush, all come in handy. that's what i actually wanted.

live simply, care deeply, relax, take it easy. :)

Meretas Mimpi di Kota Munafik Penjual Asa Kaum Urban

Hmm, ini tulisan sebenernya buah dari hasil penglihatan gw selama hampir 1 th gw idup di kota urban ini. di kota ini (dan sekitarnya, yg populer bgd dengan sebutan "bodetabek"), semua jenis makhluk hidup tumplek blek, kek nasi campur ibu warteg bahari depan komplek. banyak pemandangan absurd dan pikiran-pikiran liar yg muncul seiring waktu berusaha bersenyawa dengan ritmis kota sinis ini.

waktu itu gw menganggap tinggal di kota ini palingan juga sama aja sama di kota asal gw, di mana semua serba santai, whew, and i really admit that life's so laid back--but yet lame--there. ternyata, kenyataan berbeda dengan angan. emang bener kate orang sini, "ngapain neng ke jakarta? jakarta lebih kejem drpd ibu tiri lho!" widih! dibilang begeto ati siapa yg kagak bergidik coba?

*intermezzo: #np Beatles - Ticket to ride

kehidupan di kota ini pun punya dua sisi. sisi serba berkecukupan dan serba berkekurangan. sempet enek jg ngeliat dan ngalaminnya. di kota ini, manusia harus mulai membangun pondasi sekuat pondasi ceker ayam biar atinya gak mudah kena goda. entah bener ato gak yg dibilang di tipi-tipi, tp di sini.. di kota ini.. mau liat pemandangan indah? ADA. pemandangan mewah? BANYAK, tinggal pilih mo ke mall mana, plaza mana, square mana.. pemandangan mengesankan? tinggal nge busway, milih ke arah mana.. mega kuningan? last but not least, pemandangan mengenaskan............... tersebar. menyebar. menggerogoti seluruh sendi kehidupan di kota ini.

pernah suatu ketika saya menonton sebuah film indie yg berjudul "fiksi" di situ tokoh utama, si Bari, bilang di rusun, semua karakter orang ada. campur bawur. mulai dr keluarga biasa, mahasiswa, pelacur, banci, gay, istri simpanan, pengedar narkoba, orang kantoran, dsb. dan kayaknya sih emang bener.

satu lagi tempat serupa yang gw bener2 ngalamin. KRL EKONOMI. JURUSAN MANAPUN. coba lu naik kereta varian ini. niscaya lu  bakal ngeliat jegarda mini yang diungkep dalam beberapa kotakan besi bernama gerbong. matdirodok, segala macem orang berjubel di sini. dari pengemis, pengamen, anak jalanan, yang modelnya sedemikan hingga bisa diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa golongan. dan rata2 golongannya mengenaskan. semuanya dengan beringas menyerang ibu kota negara kita. kota yang notabene mereka, kami, kita, menaruh pengharapan akan kehidupan yang lebih layak, akan kehidupan yang sungguh memanusiakan (?) ckck. rasakan dan renungkan. masa depan.

Saturday 2 June 2012

strokes of the deepest heart,

mates, you know what, even sometimes life isn't easy, i do believe that no other thing can compare the complicated-ness of that funky little thing called LOVE. yea, couple days ago, i had a serious argue with my lovely mum about my "secret" relationship. she asked me to cut that secret happiness off. i said no. she insisted, so did i. thus, as a result of that intriguing contemplation, we havent spoken since then. it does hurt my heart. SERIOUSLY. TREMENDOUSLY. HONESTLY. BRUTALLY. i'm totally messed my life up. i just hate it.

that's about my romantic static fffffkin state (sorry, i've just sworn, yea, ikr) YOLO! i came to this blinding glorious city in the aim to pursue my own happiness. but what i got now is just some craps and subliminal acceptance. well, at first i was so very extremely bummed. i felt an immense disappointment rushed into my veins. but well, yea, life must go on, as well as the show i performed in. still hafta thanked God, for He always has a well-prepared destiny for His followers. i know it. i believe that there's no such thing called COINCIDENCE. something good awaits me out there. thanks Lord. simply slap me if i'm goin the wrong way.

anyway, i might sound too overrated. but well, this is my own life, so... back off you, boner!