Thursday 25 April 2013

out of a sudden: self quote #2

you should realize how chasing dreams and romance was more intoxicating than the actual reality of what you thought you wanted.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Stalking is The Next Kepo-ing Thing

S T A L K I N G?

yea, right. 
happen to be familiar with this irritably yet indisputable word??

A H A!

let's just stop and think, what's actually hiding behind that shitty word.
starting with looking up that word in some dictionaries.

1. WordWeb
Follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to..
ex: his secret admirer stalks him day and night.

  • To pursue by tracking stealthily.
  • To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
  • To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.
* I hi-lited the word OBSESSION, since I'm now dealing with this kind of perpetuated situation which is I totally can hardly bear it. *sigh* *deepest siiiiiiii-ghhhhhhh*


. to follow or approach (game, prey, etc) stealthily and quietly
2. to pursue persistently and, sometimes, attack (a person with whom one is obsessed, often a celebrity)
3. to spread over (a place) in a menacing or grim manner: fever stalked the camp
4. ( intr ) to walk in a haughty, stiff, or threatening way: he stalked out in disgust
5. to search or draw (a piece of land) for prey

aaaaaaand, this one. this dazzlingly conspicuous definition!

The word stalker is commonly used when referring to unwanted, obsessive behavior displayed by an individual who has developed a type of obsession with another individual. Stalking behavior is similarly related to harassment and displaying characteristics of intimidation towards another person. However, the word stalking does display different various connotations, specifically in relation to psychology, psychiatry and additionally in some legal jurisdictions and in some cases, particularly legal cases, is branded as a criminal offense.  

However, there have been some issues in defining and similarly in branding the term stalker on different people who seemingly display evidence of this type of behavior. The term stalker was notably first used to condemn the behavior of those individuals who displayed an ‘unhealthy’ obsession with celebrities, defined in a general harassment sense. The type of behavior can additionally be defined in terms of an individual who repeatedly follows, watches or shows any other type of harassment to another person.

Other behaviors include hoarding information of memento’s about the person that the individual has developed an unhealthy obsession with. Generally, the purpose of stalking is to attempt to force a relationship with someone who is unwilling or otherwise unavailable. Unlike other crimes, which usually involve one act, stalking is a series of actions that occur over a period of time. Even though stalking itself is illegal, the actual actions that contributes to the stalking, such as calling, sending gifts and emailing, are in fact legal. Though these particular actions in themselves do not actually cause any harm, if however, they are repeated on a series of time, there becomes a breech or invasion in an individual’s privacy, which can prove to be very damaging and at times has proven to be fatal.
By: Dominic Laden.
taken from:

obsess. being obsessed. and to be obsessed with.
which one describes you? you, yes, YOU.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Lucky - - Psychological - - Dip

hahaha, sebenernya ini cuman games pelipur lara hati yang kemaren dlu gw gak sengaja nemu pas lagi ikut pameran pendidikan di salah satu SMA nomor wahid di kota suburb yang tercintahh ini. sebuah instansi dimana gw menimbun pundi-pundi berisi emas, berlian, dan permata *lempar bajaj*

ada satu booth yang begitu menyita perhatian gw. booth "Psychological Test" segera gw menyambangi booth yang tertata rapih berhiaskan balon warna-warni dan kertas krep bermacam ragam yang membuat orang yang melihat akan merasa seperti hadir dalam sebuah perayaan ulang tahun anak kelas 1 SD dengan undangan yang bertuliskan "TIADA KESAN TANPA KEHADIRANMU"

di dalem booth itu ada beberapa meja dengan masing-masing ubo rampe nya. ada yang butuh konsultasi pauli kraeplin? sok silakeun, di situ tersedia alat ukur pauli kraeplin dengan variasi ukuran yang dijamin mutunya gak bakal mengecewakan hati sanubari lo semua. mulai ukuran 3x4 sampe yang seukuran kertas koran ada. *NGACO*

oke, gausah banyak cakap, gw langsung aja ke pokok permasalahan yang utama. kebanyakan hipotesa justru bikin gw nelangsa *halah* haha :P gw kemudian beranjak menuju meja "Personality Lucky Dip" 
gw ambil 3 gulungan kertas. warna ijo, biru, sama koneng. yang ijo gw buang karena gw gasuka isinya *hahaha, malu sama kenyataan, bokk! dan gw lupa apa isinya :P*

gulungan-gulungan warna-warni itu berisi interpretasi dari tema-tema yang terpampang di atas meja. 
daaaaaaaaaaaaaan.. isi gulungan-gulungan tadi adalah.. tadaaaaaaaaaaa..

1. gulungan biru
Gunung yang Hijau
bakat anda adalah berkomunikasi yang ekspresif. anda selalu dapat menemukan kata-kata untuk mengekspresikan apa yang dirasakan. orang-orang segera menyadari itu juga sama persis dengan yang mereka rasakan. mereka berkata bahwa berbagi kebahagiaan semakin menjadi berlipat ganda, sementara berbagi duka membuat kita semakin terpisah. anda nampak selalu dapat menolong orang lain menemukan sisi lain dari komunikasi.

2. gulungan koneng
Burung Berubah Biru
Orang yang optimis.
anda percaya bahwa hidup adalah campuran antara baik dan buruk. tidak ada gunanya melawan kenyataan. anda menerima semua hal dengan tenang dan membiarkan segala sesuatunya berjalan sesuai jalur tanpa stress atau kuatir. harapan ini membuat anda menjalani gelombang pasang surut kehidupan tanpa terhanyut di dalamnya.

well, that's all folks!
buat seru-seruan aja sikk, bener ato gak, tergantung perspektif diri masing-masing. yuk ah gw cabs! ciao!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Let's Play Together: The Adams - Konservatif

Prolog: There's a flashing memory dragged me back to my early high school years. First year, if i'm not mistaken; where everything seemed fun, full of pleasure, and pampering. I still watched the video on earth's biggest music channel, which claimed that they have killed the radio stars, in fact, frankly speaking, they have already been killed by the youtube star :P okay then, let's enjoy this sweet and long lasting number from The Adams. Ready to drift away?

Siang kusaksikan engkau terduduk sendiri 
Dengan kostummu yang berkilau
Dan angin sedang kencang – kencang
Di Jakarta

Dan aku kan berada di teras rumahmu
Saat air engkau suguhkan 
Dan kita bicara tentang apa saja

Siang lambat laun telah menjadi malam
Dan kini telah gelas ketiga
Jam sembilan malam aku pulang

oh, and Nicholas Saputra, Y U SO DAMN GORGEOUS????????