Wednesday 19 December 2012

What happened in the zoo?

Yesterday I went to the zoo,
and I saw someone like you.
He was holding a red-black shoe,
the one I bought especially for you.

When my eyes went blue,
then the peacock flew,
There was a cat beneath my red-black shoe,
It was waiting for the rat which brought the super duper glue

Yesterday I glued my heart on you,
When I realized I did it in the zoo,
In the zoo,
In the zoo,
I rolled the dice for me and you.

Medio Yuni 2010
Malam temaram

Potongan Prosa yang Maha Menohok -- Part I

Sebuah hubungan yg dibiarkan tumbuh tanpa keteraturan akan mjd hantu yg tdk menginjak bumi, dan alasan cinta yg tdnya diagungkan bisa berubah mjd utang moral, investasi waktu, perasaan, serta perdagangan kalkulatif antara dua pihak.

Suatu bab di Filosofi Kopi oleh Dee.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Pekok dan Naif itu Beda Tipis

ah, sudahlah. 
yang pekok jangan diperolok.
yang naif jangan dibilang arif.

kepekokan dan kenaifan memang susah dibedakan. coba simak definisi kedua kata tersebut. 
p e k o k
Kata ini menunjukkan kebodohan yang teramat sangat. 

n a i f
1 sangat bersahaja; tidak banyak tingkah; lugu (krn muda dan kurang pengalaman); sederhana; 2 celaka; bodoh; tidak masuk akal
ke·na·if·an n perihal naif; keadaan naif.

oke deh. setelah melihat penjembrengan arti kedua kata tersebut, terbukalah mata saya. ternyata memang naif dapat diartikan pekok. well, not that pekok, actually. yang membedakan cuman kadar atau tingkat kebodohannya saja. 

hmm, belom ada alat ukur yang valid untuk mengukur level kepekokan seseorang. but, check this Joko Anwar's piece of shit! what's your opinion about si mbak'e? is she naive or pekok? kindly drop by and say what you need to say! xo

Sunday 16 December 2012

The Fish, by Elizabeth Bishop

When I first read this poem, all I had in mind was only poetry about a fisherman who had successfully caught an extremely big fish. Yet, I tried to reread it over and over again to uncover the ‘magical’ things hid by Bishop through her tremendous experience of catching a fish.

Known as an independent artist and her interest of surrealism, Bishop explored the description of the fish in outstanding ways as if we, the reader, were the fisherman who caught that tremendous fish. Her details of the fish’s skin, gills, flesh, eyes, lips, and the old hooks were so incredibly specified. Each of her descriptions appeared such a crystal-clear imagery in my imagination.

Reading deeply into the poetry itself, I found out what she meant by her belief that literature should address that world beyond life’s limitations; this poem is not as simply telling the readers that a fisherman had caught a fish, but it’s all about the things beyond the vivid descriptions Bishop conveyed through this beautiful poem.

It’s about a chronicles of life, where we can find hopes and fears, wisdom and victory. The fisherman caught a big fish, yet from the fisherman’s descriptions about the fish he had caught, they reveal the real struggle of living a life. The fish is caught in fear, he just surrender his life with no fight, since he had won at least five previous fights (the old hooks in his lips). While the fisherman, after catching the tremendous fish, hoping to earn some money from the fish, but by his clear visual rendering of the picture that goes beyond his imagination, he obtains the wisdom of life (even he can see the rainbows—from the oil spread in the water and from the fish), so he let the fish go and achieved his victory by catching a big fish and letting him go. Nice poem!

Saturday 15 December 2012

Let's Play Together: Mata Berdebu -- SORE

sore ini giliran nomor menohok dari sebuah band indie legendaris manis statis dan apatis ria... SORE.
penggalan-penggalan liriknya bagaikan bilah-bilah pisau yang siap menusuk jauh dalam organ, menyobek dan menyayat perlahan namun tanpa ampun.
baiklah. tanpa banyak omong, silahkan menikmati, para pendengar yang budiman..
end-joy, mates!

Tak kupelajari dimana
Pelangi itu
Di antara kabut, kucari
jemari itu

Dan aku tak bisa melangkah
di antara musafirnya

Sabar ku mendaki pusaran
Puncak hatimu
Kesan yang terjadi di ladang
Lara batinku

Dan aku tak bisa melangkah
di antara musafirnya

Dan aku rindu melangkah di duniamu
Di antara ku, janjimu terlunta

Antara ku dan dia, terlunta...
sampai nanti

Optimism Vs. Scepticism Vs. Apathy

sweet Jesus! how days went by so freaking fast and now we come to the end of the world (mayans said, lol) i must say that things didn't go well for me recently. misfortunes did happen. i can't hide myself from it. you do too.

the thing is, as i go thru each day living a life here. in this hellish townie, i can sum up few drips of gaining our very own self-encouragement:

it's not about giving up. it's about persistence and endurance!

at least, this can boost up an energetic attempt to achieve my goals and yours!
F I G H T I N G! ! !

Friday 14 December 2012

Let's Play Together: Kisah dari Selatan Jakarta -- @wsatcc

Senja hari mendayu bersama nomor sendu dari - Kisah dari Selatan Jakarta... 
Cukup asik dan menggelitik untuk menemani sore hari anda bersama secangkir kopi pekat dan tahu isi.
end-joy, mates!

Ijinkan hamba menutur sebuah cerita
Yang terpenggal di selatan Jakarta
Bukan gegap gempita, serta baik buruk sarana
Tiada angan hampa penuh peluh ataupun nestapa

Ini kisah yang tak akan mungkin terlupa
Tanpa nuansa asmara dan cinta
Tak perlu ada rahasia, dusta bahkan tipu daya
Semua terasa hambar nampaknya

(jika gundah yang tuan rasa)
Jika gundah tuan rasa
Gulana harap sebuah makna
Ancam hamba 'kan disiksa, tak mengapa
(pun hamba tak kuasa menutur paksa makna cerita Hamba tak ingin ada kecewa)

Hapus air mata, titisan duka lara
Jua hamba tak memelas dipuja

Derita dan buruk sangka, suka cita penuh tawa
Entah apapun hendak dikata
(jika gundah yang tuan rasa)
Jika gundah tuan rasa
Gulana harap sebuah makna
Ancam hamba 'kan disiksa tak mengapa

(jika ada yang bertanya, oh ini kisah tentang apa)
Maafkanlah hamba oh sungguhpun hamba tak kuasa
(baiknya duduk manis saja, simak hamba bercerita)
Dan tak perlu tuan tanya
Hamba tak akan pernah mampu untuk menjawabnya

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Craving in Things: Weezer Performs a Greatest Hits Set

well yes, this is like a dream come true. the living legend of soundtracks of my childhood. accidentally listened to some of my youth (at that time) neighbors, i straightly fell in a deep well of fanatism to this band. i should swear upon them, blame them, the guys (now they're merely fathers, lol, how time flies) who never tired of playing their shabby guitars while singing 'Island in the Sun' or 'Say It isn't So'

as you have heard on the radio or @detikcom (bitch, please! haha) it happens. it'll happen. their show. their concert. THEIR Greatest Hits Set frigging LIVE PERFORMANCE!!! 

i heard that in Asia, they only dropped by in Indonesia, in the gaddamest city ever. JAKARTA. ffffffff!
looking forward for you guys who want to see their live performance too!

gnite, sleep tight!
see you on the live-est gig's stage, my dream.

Senja Sendu........


suasana sore saya belakangan ini menjadi lebih sendu daripada tahun-tahun lalu. mungkin karena adanya kepingan yang hilang itu. 
lebih memilih menenggelamkan diri dalam alunan-alunan melodi anti distorsi. berharap dapat melarikan diri dari kenyataan. jauh berlari. hahaha. cape juga. 
uda ah. gombal aja. selamat menikmati sore!


Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tuhan dan Kata Coelho #1

"Tuhan adalah kata-kata. Berhati-hatilah selalu dengan apa yang kau katakan dalam segala situasi dan keadaan."

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Anne Sexton – Sylvia Plath: The Confessuicidal Poets

Confessuicidal poets? What a gloomy title that I chose! But yes, in my opinion, these two poets really trapped my attention with their popularity as confessional poets yet decided to end their precious life by committing suicide. Considering in detail and subjecting to an analysis in the poetry entitled “Housewife” and “Daddy”, I would like to discover the essential features or meaning on their peculiar works in relation with their life story.

Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath are very famous and regarded with great favor, approval, or affection especially by the general public for their controversial poetical life and poems. Both of them suffered the same condition of despair and mental breakdowns that somehow became their aspiration in writing their pieces. Most of their poems recounted their life experience, their personal life, their family life, their fight against depressive disorder, and their foremost notorious theme: death and inclination of committing suicide.
In my opinion, these two poets had [almost] the same family background that eventually formed them and instilled them with such kind of trauma that later on would affect their way of thinking and cause terrible mental breakdown in the rest of their life. 

Living in a dysfunctional family, Sexton and Plath ended up with awful memories of their family. Sexton was abandoned by her parents and Plath was being raised by an authoritarian father who died when she was eight years old. Thus, I could conclude why they’re so drown into such kind of bitterness they underwent at their young age. Along these lines, they appeared to endeavor an attempt to survive from their depression. As a result, themes on suicidal attempts, depression, death, family life, and desperation are considered as their object of escapism.  

The two poets were also best known for their death controversy. They said to have several suicide attempt that later on ended up with the same scheme of death in the depths of despair. Sylvia Plath died at age 30 on February 1963 by carbon monoxide poisoning in the kitchen, with her head in the oven, while Anne Sexton died at the age 45 on October 1974 also by carbon monoxide poisoning in the garage. She might have inspired by her fellow student in Robert Lowell’s writing seminar at Boston University; Sylvia Plath. This was a surprising and lamenting fact that the poets revealed. 

The poems “Housewife” by Sexton and “Daddy” by Plath talked much about their family lives; their relationship with their family members. In Housewife, Sexton merely narrated about her self reflection episodes through a simple and concise poem. As it is said in her biographical information, Sexton’s poems articulate some of the deepest dilemmas of her contemporaries about her most fundamental hopes and fears. She might have depicted her life’s experience as a mother and a housewife in this poem.

Sexton gave rise to a desire by being attractive in her opening lines. As she stated, “Some women marry houses.” For me, it’s kind of true, since most women, when they become a housewife, they will have a 24/7 affiliation with the ‘house hold’ things. It’s not surprising that after a woman got married, she seems to marry the house not the husband. It is shown by the line, “It’s another kind of skin; it has a heart, a mouth, a liver, and bowel movements.” This line represents how women deal with the life after marriage. The house is portrayed to be the other kind of skin and having some human’s body parts such as heart, mouth, and liver. It shows me that the ‘house’ revealed to be a real living thing, a real companion in struggling through the life after marriage.

Then, I could draw conclusion for the reason why Sexton wrote this line. As I got some information from her biography, it was due to the leaving of her husband. Her husband joined the marine and was sent to Korea. During the absence of her husband, she entered therapy. She appeared to be a single mother raising her child alone while her husband was away. This might caused a disturbance in her life, that a family should consist of a husband and wife that should share job in enduring their marriage. Or, according to my own interpretation, Sexton and her husband have a certain outward aspect that somehow they could not communicate and work together as a husband and wife.

When I came to the line where Sexton said, “The walls are permanent and pink,” it appeared in my mind that every married woman in the world really want to have a permanent marriage, none of them, including me--later, wanting to have a difficult marriage that ends up with divorcement. It did happen to Sexton, a year before she killed herself; she split up with her husband. Then, as we all know, pink color symbolizes love, romance, and excitement. Sexton used the pink color to symbolize the celebration of love, the romantic life, and the excitement in the marriage itself. Yet, it looks as if it is the outer skin of the marriage, in fact, as it is said in the fifth line, “See how she sits on her knees all day,” wives contribute their whole life to serve the husband, and if they have children, they are the one who completely deprive their selves into their children’s development. The line “Men enter by force,” shows me that men just engage with the forcing of their demands. Here, particularly, men always associated with the sexual abuse or domestic violence in a family. “See how she sits on her knees all day” also shows me the domestic violence part. It reveals how a woman forced to do the household things up till “faithfully washing herself down”.

Just exactly like what I have in Indonesian culture, where most of the society acknowledges the concept of patriarch family. Women, or wives, should obey their husbands’ demands. They are not allowed to complain and criticize the husbands’ decision. Javanese culture particularly, holds high the position of husband in a family. Yet women are more inferior to men. They always put aside. They have to choose; to be married or continue their career while receive mockery from other people.

Responding to this tradition, no, it’s not a tradition actually. It’s a mindset. It’s a stereotype infused by the other people. Not to give a bad valuation to my own culture, it’s just my fidgetiness towards this old-fashioned mindset. Javanese people tend to have a hand in other people’s business even though they still have their own problems waiting to be solved. If I have to choose, I will choose to pursue my cherished desire, my strong drive for success. Then, after that, I will be married, have children, and continue what I will have achieved.

Whereas Sexton narrated her life as a woman and a housewife, Plath described her father and child relationship in her poem Daddy. Still in the theme of confession, this poem clearly reveals her anger, her hatred, and her vengeance towards her father. Known as an authoritarian and dictator in the family, Plath expressed her rage for her father died when she was only eight years old.

Most Plath poems are lengthy and use so much imagery. In the first stanza of Daddy, she depersonified her self as a foot and her father as black shoes. She used the shoe figure as we know that shoes are worn to protect the foot from stepping something. It illustrates that her father was her protector but he was died and letting her lived under poverty and sufferings. Yet, this shoe imagery could also be something ‘ladylike’ (as you suggest). It somehow represents the uncomfortableness, the state of being tense and feeling pain when wearing a pair of shoes. I could imagine my self wearing stilettos and what a hurtful sensation that I felt on my toes, ankles, and heels. Using this stilettos analogy, I would like to determine following investigation about the usage of the shoe imagery in Plath’s poem, Daddy. As we all know, stilettos is a kind of woman shoes with a very high narrow heel on the shoes. It appears to be perfect and elegant shoes. Graceful and classy. Yet, to wear this kind of shoe, needs a sacrifice to endure such hurt feeling, be uncomfortable or in pain. This is kind of shoe that Plath tried to portray her father, to give a mental representation of her father. 

The second stanza, where she wrote, “Daddy, I have had to kill you, You died before I had time----“ gave me the idea about the time she couldn’t spend with her father. She seemed to blame her father for leaving her without giving any affection from a father to his daughter. She was lacking of warm compassionate feelings during her childhood. 

In the 27th line, the German words, “Ich, ich, ich, ich” instead of revealing an inclination of her existence (Ich means I in English), somehow it gives me the impression of hurt feeling, as I tried to pronounce it, the words sounded almost like “itch, itch, itch”. It’s like a contagious skin infection caused by the itch bug and causing skin irritation. In my opinion, this was another imagery used by Plath to divulge the figure of her father as the one who cause what I called as her “mind infection” and “heart irritation”.

Plath exploited so many harsh words and cruel imagery as I discovered in the seventh stanza, the 31st line and so on, where she positioned herself as a Jew in the Nazi concentration camps of Holocaust. She even wrote that her father was like an engine that chuffing her off like a Jew. It might be her father as a German descendant that caused her used German’s imagery as she told that “I thought every German was you”. At this point, I would like to ask, whether or not she conceive her father and Nazi leader, Hitler, having the same personality? Or it’s kind of tribute to the brute treatment that she received from her father so she used such Nazi imagery?

Lines by lines she consistently scorned and expressed her hatred towards father in words. From “I have always been scared of you”, “Brute heart of a brute like you”, “A cleft in your chin instead of your foot, But no less a devil for that…”, “There’s a stake in your fat black heart, And the villagers never liked you”, until “Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through”.

Furthermore, Plath also described her father as God and Devil. Two completely inverse things. Plath, who’s been left by father since she was eight years old, considered her father as someone who has a God-like dignitary. A father to a child will be a guiding star, someone who will always be there to accompany and to guide his child. However, Plath felt the other way around. She might think that she did not have a good memory with her father, so she juxtaposed the Godlike with the Devil-like character. It is clearly seen that Plath’s words and imagery are all of the tokens of the same symbol: bitterness, satirical mimicry and hatred towards her father.

As I came to the end of the poem, I found out that she used the word black so many times. The first one is in the second line, the black shoe, then in the 55th line, A man in black with a Meinkampf, in the 69th line, the black telephone, and in the 76th line, your fat black heart. As we all already know, black represents dark power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, sadness, remorse, anger, anonymity, underground, mourning, and death. Specifically, this poem emphasized the black color as a color that symbolizes dark power, fear, evil, unhappiness, sadness, remorse, anger, mourning, and death. By using this metaphor, Plath again and again tried to convey all her feelings and poured it all into this poem.

As the end result of an analysis process of the family backgrounds of Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath, I could reach a conclusion that their splendid writings are overshadowed and overwhelmed by things they experienced throughout their lives. The core link between these literary works is the poets’ experiences that they apprehended as an accumulation of psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning that residues from direct engagement commencing the time they were raised by their parents and family. 

In addition, I also found out that these two poets; Sexton and Plath had come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuition, or indefinite grounds that poetry with confessional themes are their way to relief such burden in their life. They used poetry to remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion. To come upon after searching; find the enjoyment, find the joyous revenge of something or someone that was missed or lost. In this specific theme, Sexton tried to discover what’s been missing from her as a housewife, what she experienced and lived through her firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations of being a housewife, while Plath tried to perceive her loosing of her father by paying lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Balads of The Urip

memasuki dunia kerja dan lingkungan kerja baru serta merta membuat seolah-olah dibawa dan kemudian dilemparkan ke sebuah padang tandus dengan vultures meraja lela.

n e w b i e .  

situasi dan kondisi baru dengan sergap menghinggapi. menjamah dan coba merasuk jauh ke lini-lini pertahanan.

peraturan dan tata tertib serba sak-klek menghantui tiap jengkal langkah kaki.

orang-orang yang mementingkan diri sendiri ada di mana-mana. entah itu di rumah sendiri, kantor atau di tengah mayarakat. bahkan di  bawah ketiak anda sekalipun.

merasa belum terpanggil. 
belum ikhlas menjalaninya.
pekerjaan mulia.
tanggungan moral dan masa depan bangsa.

layaknya hadis Imam Bukhari yang berbunyi, "Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah mereka yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain."

hidup di dunia ini bukan untuk diri sendiri (meski tak memungkiri ego masih ambil bagian dalam perjalanan ini), tetapi untuk kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan orang lain. 

nb: pesan sponsor
*melipir manja*

Saturday 13 October 2012

mesmerising stance.

black cloud is hooded over my head during these couple months.
it's been three months since the last time we touched the sky together.
the rolling thunder.
the flashing lightning.

all i can do is merely waiting.
waiting for the sun rises.
waiting for the rainbow arches.
waiting for the moon embraces.
waiting for your sweet summer kisses.

well, let's just stop and think.

time has elapsed.
it runs inside my veins, yours too.
the experience of affection and emotional states,
all together.

i have destroyed the integrity of our togetherness;
at ease by force;
and finally,
causes to separation into pieces or fragments.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Rain, rain please do come nowadays..

Awkey, beforehand, it's really a boiling temperature here in the so called suburb of the HELLISH city.  and when i'm typing this down, THIS, literally meaning, it's raining so heavy heavily outside. and i was glad, am glad!

my days haven't been really good ones recently. hardships do come and pass me by. they even took a sip of my relaxing tea. the workplace, the circumstance, the dumped and be dumping, the surrounding, the discarded, the abandoned, my life's meekest-weakest-saddest chapter. ;(

the galauing moment hasn't stopped yet. it keeps going uncontrolled. wild. crazier than ever.

Friday 13 July 2012

let's play together: Adhitia Sofyan - Blue Sky Collapse


Blue Sky Collapse
Music and Lyrics by Adhitia Sofyan

As I walk to the end of the line
I wonder if I should look back
To all of the things that were said and done
I think we should talk it over

Then I noticed the sign on your back
It boldly says try to walk away
I go on pretending I’ll be ok
This morning it hits me hard that

Still everyday I think about you
I know for a fact that’s not your problem
But if you change your mind you’ll find me
Hanging on to the place
Where the big blue sky collapse

As I stare at the wall in this room
The cracks they resemble your shadow
When everyday I see time goes by
In my head everything stood still

Im waiting for things to unfreeze
Till you release me from the ice block
It’s been floating for ages washed up by the sea
And it’s drowning, thought you should know that

You see people are trying
To find their way back home
So I’ll find my way to you

Strangled in Strange

howdy, Mother Earth? i hope u're doing fine every single day :)
you know, it's been 5 days i'm enrolling in the new werk place.
idk for sure. still blur.

looking around. not even a glimpse of sight.
L  o  s  t

l                    o                        s                           t



entahlah mas bero dan mba bero..
rasanya sih aneh, bahkan mungkin bbrp mencibir..
God, gimme strength..

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Epic Pictures!: Me and My Loveable Students

It's Still:

5C Che Best 


and here we go,
5C's crews:
from left to right:
Vecia: other kiddos usually call her "WPS" stands for White Phosphorus Smoke, kinda weapon (or particularly GRENADE) in point blank. "it's producing poisonous smoke, just like her, Miss!" the kids once told me. GOSH. :P

Tromphin: 5C's chess grand master. he's much like having high criticism level. hahaha xDD

back, short haired; Ivania: her massive struggles successfully brought her to her massive bless. keep working hard!

back, poni tails; Natasha: SHE'S THE FIRECRACKER!

front, boy; Frans: such a sweet obedience boy :D

eyeglasses, on my left; Vero: the class leader, gahol student, sweet caress :*

behind Vero and Frans; Gracy: fans of my "Peltam Show" LOL

behind me and Vero; Lea: her massive struggles successfully brought her to her massive bless. keep working hard!

behind Lea; Army: Gracy's bests, fans of my "Peltam Show" LOL

on my right; Divie: another gahol and existed student i've ever met! LOL, sweet hugs and caress :* thanks for the DREAM CATCHER, dearieeeeeeeee.. :))

behind Divie; Andrea: smart student but often feel not confident with her smartness.

behind Andrea; Susi: well, concentrate, Sus!

behind Susi; Vania: Cute and funny student, CHUBBY! lol

behind Andrea, right side; Samantha: i kinda like her face, so exotic, hahaha

next to Sam; Yosua: another FIRECRACKER, LOL.

behind Yosua; Kezia: Smart student in class. got a good talent. :))

in front of Yosua; Will.I.Am: another gahol student, he mad at me when i found his blackberry, haha..

next to Will; Salomo: 5C's don juan. i admit that he's kinda cute :P and narcissistic too! LOL. gahol student :DD

between Will and Sal; Zefanya: calm but quite cute student :)

behind Zefa; Andia: another firecracker :P

on Salomo's right; Reagan: i like how he lead the class, i'm sure he'll be a good leader later.

in front of Reagan; Jason: OMG, he's the most dilligent student i know! 5C's brainie :D

next to Jason; Ariel: he once told me that he wanted to be a pro, a professor at exactly. go for it, Ariel!

the boy back behind; Richie: calm and obedience boy :))

the boy knelt; Niel: another firecracker and gahol student! :))

 I gotta tell ya'
 that there's no other class in the world
 like my 5C Che Best CLASS! 


let's play together: This Never Happened Before

Paul McCartney

This Never Happened Before

I'm very sure
This never happened to me before
I met you and now I'm sure
This never happened before

Now I see
This is the way it's supposed to be
I met you and now I see
This is the way it should be

This is the way it should be for lovers
They shouldn't go it alone
It's not so good when you're on your own

So come to me
Now we can be what we wanna be
I love you and now I see
This is the way it should be

This is the way it should be

This is the way it should be for lovers
They shouldn't go it alone
It's not so good when you're on your own

I'm very sure
This never happened to me before
I met you and now I'm sure
This never happened before (this never happened before)
This never happened before (this never happened)
This never happened before (this never happened before)

let's play together: Adelaide's Sky

Adhitia Sofyan 

Adelaide Sky

I need to know what's on your mind
These coffee cups are getting cold
Mind the people passing by
They don't know I'll be leaving soon

I'll fly away tomorrow
To far away
I'll admit a cliché
Things won't be the same without you

I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me

I'll let you know what's on my mind
I wish they've made you portable
Then I'll carry you around and round
I bet you'll look good on me
[ Lyrics from: ]
I'll fly away tomorrow
It's been fun
I'll repeat the cliché
Things won't be the same without you

I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me

I've been meaning to call you soon
But we're in different times
You might not be home now
Would you take a message
I'll try to stay awake
And fight your presence in my head

I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me