Hey, helloooooooo there! It's been quite a while.. :)) The bumpy road has passed but it successfully left marks on my bare feet. Anyway, let's just get rid of those craps a-WHILE..
Her name is Ghirlanda (I forget to ask her fullname, geez!) She's a half Indonesian and a half German. She's pretty and cute like daffodils.. I like spending time with her talking drips and draps :))
Here's one silly and backstabbing little convo with her this afternoon when she was about to finish her lunch..
Miss Nissa : Hai G! How're you?
Gie : I'm fine. Miss, ngomongnya pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya? aku soalnya.. umm.. aku susah bahasa Inggrisnya.. hihihi *giggling*
Miss Nissa : Oh, oke.. Gie bawa bekal apa hari ini?
Gie : Aku bawa stroberi, Miss.. *munching her strawberries*
Miss Nissa : Wahh, cepet juga makannya Gie, buru-buru?
Gie : Iya Miss, *cleaning her mouth and neaten her lunch box* Miss, aku mau pergi dulu ya..
Miss Nissa : Loh, mau kemana, Gie?
Gie : Aku mau ketemu temenku dulu Miss! Dia lagi patah hati, ditinggal sama pacarnya!
Gie : Itu tuh Miss, namanya Maxine! Udah ya Miss, dadahh *waving her hand*
Miss Nissa : Oh crap, what is this all about? *swore and LOL-ing*
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